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Collaborative Events

Supporting and interacting with other organizations and communities!

Vibrant Palette Arts Center: Craft Submissions!

Our members were able to submit their cultural crafts to Vibrant Palette Arts Center! It was our first successful month and we got to showcase them there!

Right at School: Medina Elementary

Andrew (founder) and Peter (co-founder and president) were able to introduce elementary students from grades K-5 on the significance of cultural expression through art. They also hosted workshops teaching the young students on how to make specific crafts!

Beacon Arts: Craft Submissions!

Our members were able to submit their cultural crafts to Beacon Arts! The month was tough, but our members were able to submit their cool crafts. They will be put in the Beacon Hill storefront for public display, where the Beacon Hill and Seattle community will be able to see the members' creativity!

City of Bellevue: "Experience Bellevue" Neighborhood Conference Event!

Passionate Interlake members were willing to express their talents to the local Bellevue community through unique craft creation! As the only school club in the local event, all art pieces were exhibited and executed with absolute quality in the Bellevue City Hall. Everyone had the opportunity to interact with other visitors and volunteers on their creative processes, sharing out their personal approaches to their contraptions.

Right at School: Lake Hills Elementary

Peter (president), Yash (vice-president), and Nithya (club member) were able to introduce elementary students from grades K-5 on the significance of cultural expression through art. They also hosted workshops teaching the young students on how to make specific crafts!

"Our Bellevue, Our Culture" Street Art Exhibition

Peter (president) and Yash (vice-president) hosted, curated, and facilitated a 128-sq. feet mural on October 8th at the Yuan Ru Art Center on Bel-Red to showcase the communal art. Lasting from 2-5 PM, there were a total of 16 designs selected from various artists across WA, from Interlake High School to the Bellevue School District to even Seattle. With advisory collaboration with the EastHUB nonprofit and council members from the City of Bellevue, this is the first youth-led community piece, a bold statement to our Bellevue community. 

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©2021 by Cultural Crafts Club. Website design by Andrew Lee.

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